Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Depressed?! You of all people?! But it is possible. I am no psychologist. I'll ask someone, but who?! hmmm... I need to make sure. I have been experiencing those things for quite a while. Patawad po nagpapakaoti na naman ako.

It is so sad that one of my high school teachers is not feeling well. That's an understatement. She had(or has? hmm...) renal failure and desperately needs a kidney transplant. Problem is she doesn't want a transplant. It is because of her religion's belief. They believe transplants and transfusions are sins. I remember that lesson real well, she asked us if our loved one needs a blood transfusion and we are the only suitable donor would we give our blood. Of course, most, if not all, said yes. I think someone asked what's her answer and she replied that she wouldn't. It is a sin and believes that with our current technology, there are other alternatives. Maybe she is hinting already that she has a disease like that but of course we were too young or ignorant to realize that. I wonder if she gave that lesson to all the batches she handled since the start of her disease.

Truth is, news of her illness went around when we were in our third year. I dismissed it as temporary and she would get well soon, she is young and and is far far away from death. It seems I was mistaken. During our fourth year, rumors of her retirement and lightening of her load (she didn't became the adviser of avo1 that year) spread and those things were attributed to her illness. She is really young, about 30 or so. She has been teaching for more than ten years so I think she is not in her late 20's. We weren't really close, I was a really horrible writer back then (I think my work is now readable). And I wasn't really a bright student just dilligent, I remember the last comment she made on my journal was a wish. She wishes I become a better writer. I threw away that journal, it was crap and useless. Besides, I do not really feel comfortable becoming too close to teachers. (Here's another useless piece of information, my English periodical test scores were all horrible but my scores in the English parts of the college admission tests I took were great, one of the highest even, I wonder why)(Another thing, I am proud of my reading comprehension skills but these were not reflected in my periodical tests, I wonder why)

In case you become confused, she wasn't my adviser during my first year. Cla-cla! I urge you to contact her or your avo1 classmates for more details. Anyway, she rejects transplant. What would happen? I do not know, the only thing I could think of is lifetime dialysis which is really expensive and I am not sure what her disease is so there. I hope and prays she gets well, she's a damn good english teacher. She introduced me to the joys of "reading" novels and made us understand that novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird." That book is a must-read and read is carefully it is a book to be digested not just tasted.


The STDc members believe that I am too shy. SHY?! Well, I am still adjusting, just wait. Duty again tomorrow, I didn't like my experience in pedia but I can't spend all my time in the triage, what to do?!

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