Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So I was de-stress-ing by browsing through grad school websites and stupid me decided to go and see how much attending these schools cost.

I now regret doing that as I realize there is no way I could attend those schools without a decent scholarship and massive tuition waivers. Or I could and be forever in debt to my parents.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

One month away from the start of my elective period and my two proposals are still undergoing review. It's a good thing I can do one of the projects without ethics approval. I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew. Aside from passing the review, there is a daunting task of collecting data from around 300 charts.

Plans don't always push through especially if it is highly dependent on the participation of other people. I don't know why this certain plan not pushing through put me in such a bad mood. And I'm reminded once again that this shouldn't be too hard nor should it affect me this much. Stupid brain.