Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finally finished with the final report for my undergrad life in public health. It took us the whole effing day to finish that ungraded report. Leaving reliable and factual reports are way more important than grades anyway.

Tomorrow, we go to the Sanitation Division to submit and present our thesis. I'm finally at a point where I don't remember our thesis much and in reading it all over again, I would probably find the errors and faults in argument.

I finally bought new lens: the Canon 50mm 1.8. It costed me 4k in Quiapo. I have poor haggling skills. Goodbye savings. I plan to bring it to Japan. Watch out for an annoying explosion of bokeh shots.

It really offers a nice depth of field but focusing is harder. I tend to manually focus subjects and the margin of error for the lowest aperture is very very small. It is really nice though.

I was very unlucky today. We had several misprints with our reports. I think it costed our group around Php300. Not much really but we had already funded our own programs and it really sucks that we have to spend more than necessary. And on the way home, the two jeepneys I rode stalled and failed to re-start. I had switch jeepneys two times. At least, we got refunds. And our meeting with our community friends got cancelled and rescheduled and I probably won't be able to come to that. And I won't be able to wear that effing suit I had made for me because the ball I was going to became semi-formal. Then again I could always come overdressed...

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