Sunday, November 25, 2007

I just had a fight with my mother. Well, it's not so much a fight as she was the only one who blew her head off. In the end, I was the one who had to say sorry. I hate apologizing when I know I am the one who is right. Maybe, I shouldn't have said that last thing but that was also her chance to accept that she was wrong and end the argument. But I did end up apologizing to her, partly because I still live under her roof and plan to do so for many more years to come and mostly, because she is my mother who still can't accept that her child has managed to show her one of her flaws. In addition to this, she still can't accept that I have already learned many of the things that she wants me to learn from her. Hay...

Nearing the end of our fight, she implied that she's afraid that when we grow up we're just going to dump her and mistreat her. That's not going to happen unless this one big thing turns to a mess. Any way, barring any major disagreements, I'll probably not be able to leave my parents. Relatives? maybe. Brother? Why not? With my career plans, I'll probably won't be able to support them or take them to big trips and vacations or hold big parties for them but I won't leave them. They're my parents. As much as it sounds illogical, irrational and stupid. That's the argument I'm using. Hm...

Unfortunately, my mother seems to have this idea that once I become a doctor, I'll go to the specialist route(ex. cardiothoracic surgeon specializing on post-op care) and end up becoming rich. Nyeh! I won't become those (mostly) overpaid people. I hate it that a patient have to pay tons of doctors who in the end just gave her a referral and not a proper diagnosis(and treatment or management plan). Herbert(Frank not Brian) is slightly right to dislike specialists. I want to become a MD(probably a Family doctor) and a DrPH and a researcher and a professor. Those are not exactly the most lucrative careers available to a person who is going to have higher education. I don't even know how I'm going to support my future child/-ren and my mother have to learn to accept this. I guess they deserve big trips, vacations and parties especially my mother because she is a self-made woman and a person who managed to harness her resources to gain wealth but I won't be able to provide those for them. Then again, maybe I will become rich.

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