Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Two weeks into my elective. I constantly end up facing a wall of unintelligible equations and would have to take a step back and read on the basics. I really should have taken more math courses during my undergrad years. Then again, the BSPH program is not so heavy on the math part although I wish it would have been. It would be so nice to really understand Biostatistics and Epidemiology inside and out.

Met an MD working as a research associate in our department. He advised me to take up a graduate degree in the Philippines first before applying to a grad school abroad. But but but... I don't want to take my master's degree here. The most I would do is take some math and statistics (maybe even economics) courses that I know is lacking in my education.

And I should also find my "patron" who will support me in my career and my grad school applications. I guess that's sound advice. I often hear that doors just open once you graduate and get your license. I do hope that is the case.

In any case, I need to join an organization that has good linkages, good pay and lots of opportunities for personal growth. I need to be impressive when I face those scholarship committees.

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