Sunday, January 29, 2012

Got an sms from my old boss offering me a position in WHO. Unfortunately, it's a full time position from February to April. Again, med school gets in the way of life.

Update: He told me he has a lot of projects on hand and is interested in hiring me this summer. He's hinting that I can be involved in more than one project. This means more experience, learning and money! Japan doesn't seem so unreachable any more. hello summer elective equivalent!

Post-LRDR duty. Got to "catch" a baby, deliver 2 placentas (one on my own), rupture a bag of waters, IE a dilated patient, perform labor watch, perform toco-monitor, "manage" hypertensive patients, insert a Foley catheter, "assist" in laceration repair. High yield indeed but am not looking forward to doing it again next school year.

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