Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lito Atienza continues with his ramblings.
"Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Lito Atienza had a thing or two to say against population control advocates as he warned the people 'not to be stampeded into perdition.' 'Here we go again, blaming every unborn child for our economic problems,' said Atienza, a staunch pro-lifer and long-time leader of the Pro-Life Movement of the Philippines. He pointed out that the solution to the present 'food crisis' is a strong agricultural production program, which the present government is pursuing and not birth control. Atienza stressed that the Constitution is pro-life and birth control is a clear violation of the law."link
He may be right in that a strong agricultural production program will really help in the food crisis but birth control is not "a clear violation of the law." It is not. Preconception birth control is not illegal. Lito Atienza is under the impression that birth control means murdering babies, in other words, abortion. And of course, the Constitution is pro-life. All people are pro-life in a sense. The ones labeled pro-Choice are pro-life too but they value a real living person more than a hypothetical entity.

Since when did birth control mean murder or killing a person. Even with an expanded definition of human life(meaning, including the zygote and embryonic stages), most of the artificial birth control methods do not result in killing a person(the notable exception being the Pill). This stupid belief of his(and his "Pro-life" group) is really annoying. The sperm alone is not a human being. The ovum alone is not a human being. Actually, the zygote(the first product of the union of sperm and ovum) alone is not really a human being(you still need the uterine wall).

To be clear, we(the ones pro-birth control) don't blame the unborn. We blame the poor policies of the government resulting in a population crisis and subsequent inequitable distribution and/or lack of resources. We blame the irresponsible parents. But we mostly blame the policies.

I find this to comment in a blogpost I read to aptly describe the pro-life group in the Philippines:
"The thing is, these types of pro-lifers aren’t 'pro-life' at all. They are anti-sex. Or, more accurately, anti-sex without the risk of pregnancy. These types are of the opinion that people shouldn’t have sex if they don’t want children, because that kind of sex breeds a 'culture of death'...."
And why is sex bad? Because to them sex should only be used for procreation and nothing else. Going by their logic, people who are sterile, infertile, old and the like should not have sex because it is a bad/a sin.

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