Monday, January 09, 2006


Last night I was finally able to watch Silence of the Lambs on Studio 23. It was scary and creepy and ugh… It reaffirmed my plans NEVER to work in a psychiatric institution which holds violent patients like serial killers. The movie was not scary in a there’s-a-killer-on-loose kind of way but in another. I can’t explain it, it’s scary and I want to switch channels but I come back again, if not for the horror then it’s for the crash course on psychology and forensics. Who says TV doesn’t teach you stuff? About 40% of what I know came from the tube. Cartoons for example teach very important life lessons like dealing with people, how to make fun of someone, and why the telletubbies are evil. I remember when I used to watch the show, it was so moronic and stupid and so out-there it was hard not to watch. Ever seen the music video of Eager Angels by Session Road? Well, it was shot in Corregidor. Remember when I told you we had a trip there and we had a movie maker with us, maybe it was the director of that video looking for locations. And their ferry service was the same as ours (Sun Cruises) not that it’s very important since only a few provide ferry and tour services to that island. Back to the movie, it just screams for a sequel and I think there is, I’m just not sure what. I already saw the first parts of Red Dragon but none of the movie Hannibal. I could read the novels but it’ll have to wait since I can’t buy any new books until February due to my Powerbooks spree last December.

I hope I have a nice week ahead. Oh and yours too!

Aussie open is near, Hingis is back, Feddy is injured(but recovering), Safin resting…hmm…and recently I've lost track of the dates...

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