Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yesterday was such a long day.
Morning was the Biochemistry/Immunology/Molecular Biology/Physiology exam.
It left us tired but it wasn't over yet.

We still had ward work and most of us felt the need to crack open a few transes.

Our group came early. We finished performing the neuro exam but our consultant didn't arrive until much later. So we loafed around.

While other groups are happily leaving the wards.

She finally came, ward work ended and off I went to the Mooncake party hosted by UP Meridian.

And no I am not a member of this org.

Did end up helping a bit though.

We ate, talked and fell in line for the Dice game.

So that's the last day of classes for me. Next week will just be exams, more exams and a proposal waiting to be finished and bound.

And blogger is finally fixed.

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