Friday, November 09, 2007

Great! I have a cold(sipon). It started with a slightly annoying sore throat, progressed to a very painful one then some random bouts of heavy mucus secretions then finally a full blown cold with a matching headache. Thank the heavens(Did I just say that?) for Strepsils, Suka+Tubig+Asin gargle and Cynosal(my preferred drug for colds and headaches). I also had a slight fever before the final stage. Hopefully, it'll only last for a few days but knowing my lousy(but not compromised) immune system, it'll probably end next week.

I've just learned that Book3 of Avatar: The Legend of Aang can now be viewed. Yey! I've just seen the first episode, it seems it's going to be a darker moodier final season.

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