Point 2: It is immoral because it is against the Word of God.
Again, for this statement to be logically true, its assumptions need to be true. Those assumptions are:
1. If it is against the word of God, it is immoral.
2. Homosexuality is against the Word of God.
3.*optional*The Concept of God.
All of these assumptions are debatable.
For #1 and #3: This is the major concept of the Divine Law Theory of Ethics. Again, a theory with many problems. What is the Word of God? Is there a God? How can we be certain that only the Word of God is moral? If I were an atheist, would that make me immoral? If I were a follower of
Okay let us assume 1 and 3 are true statements then what about
#2: I do not read the Bible. I find it too heavy. I did read the part about Sodom and Gomorrah though. I was not really impressed with what I read. Most people say it was directly stated. Others said implied. The debate continues. The same passages used to prove homosexuality's immorality can be used to prove its morality. In any case, most passages attack the sexual act rather than the lifestyle. Again, faith comes into play.
Side thingies: If a person is extremely good, so good that that person could be made into a saint, but is gay(lifestyle and sex). What happens to him?
Oh yeah, a problem with this belief is most of the believers are selfish. They only follow because of the promise of reward ie Heaven.
If God made people homosexual, why would he put them to such a horrible test that will last throughout that person's life? Does this mean that that person who passes(represses sexual desires) and lives a "good" life will be honored above all others? The Bible isn't really clear on that one as far as I know.
Conclusion: Weak argument. Not conclusive. Needs to be "studied" more. Role of faith would come into play. My discussion is horribly lacking. Google it if you want more.
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