Studying medicine is really about learning how to communicate. It could be with fellow doctors, allied health professions or our cherished patients. I feel that the difference between a great doctor and an average one is determined by his or her ability to communicate his or her thoughts to the intended audience. It is imperative that doctors have a good grasp of the dominant language or languages in the their area of practice or in, UPCM lingo, community whether it be Filipino, English, Bisaya or swardspeak.
Unfortunately, UP students have lived very sheltered lives within the confines of the university. Although we know Filipino, we do not have a good grasp of the Filipino being used outside academic circles. For example, multiple classmates were shocked that the term for masturbation is Mariang-palad. And yet, still many do not feel the need for our community exposures. Compound this with our still rudimentary grasp of med-speak and the variations that occur for each hospital and each department.
Again, in retrospect, I should have been more
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