Saturday, August 20, 2011

Finally finished Chrono Trigger!

It was Friday when my 11 year old self played it on the SuperNes up to the 2nd form of Lavos. Foolish as I was, I got tired and turned off the game after defeating the 2nd form and realized that there is still a third form to fight. It was kind of surprising that I got that far given the low level, poor equipment and weird preference of not using items. After that day, I don't remember playing with the Supernes again. Finally! After 12 years! O joy!

For the curious, I used Crono, Marle and Robo. Lucca packs a punch but I needed someone with mass healing skills. Marle's just my item user, although haste is not that bad and Life 2 is useful as long as Marle is alive to use it.
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