Tomorrow is election day.
I have not been such a responsible voter. I have no idea who to vote for our local government positions. I don't have a complete list of senators. I don't even have a final president yet. At least I have a party-list group already.
I feel like the candidate I despise will win tomorrow. I'll just have to hope for the best because I really can't stomach the fact that he will represent us in the international community. He will decide what laws will pass and who will head our executive departments. Heck! I'll even have to listen to his SONA for six years.
Part of me wishes he'll do a terrible job so at least the Filipinos will finally learn that voting for someone just because they can trust not to steal him isn't enough. Sure, you trust he won't still? But can you trust him to manage and lead our many offices? our nation's executive machinery? The president's job is not just preventing corruption. In fact, I don't even trust him to do that. Sure, HE might not be corrupt but what about the other members of the government? What about that auditor? that MMDA officer? that office clerk?
But I really hope he does well because I can't go serve the government if this system remains unchanged. I'll probably stick to newspaper and online articles though 'cause his voice and appearance make me cringe. I know I'm shallow like that.
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