- Warning: Nosebleed Filipino for the uninitiated
Basically, he says that rallies are the best exercise of activism. For even though the success of the rally couldn't be proven or measured, the participants feel that it is a success. A collective experience of releasing pent up anger and thoughts. A sense of empowerment. A feeling that one is able to do anything.
Now for the more practical among us, rallies are inefficient (though can be highly effective) ways of raising demands. I tend towards the advocacy over the activism side because of this. I find it really hard to participate in something so inefficient, something messy, disorganized and an activity largely fueled by emotion rather than actual contemplation.
The author is bothered why there are few UP students who have attended rallies. He argues that the liberal education and liberating education, we should have experienced or should be experiencing would necessarily lead us to see that rallies are good tools for raising our voices and promoting change. Again, a myopic view of liberal and liberating education. Of course, it is entirely plausible UP is failing to liberate the minds of its students which should then entail curricular revisions and changes in the teaching methods used.
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