Friday, January 30, 2009

PH friends
Another so-so day in central lab but I'll be optimistic as we seem to be finished with the "boring sections". Boring in the sense that there is so many interesting things to do but we are allowed only to watch. *sigh*

And I saw some people, mostly our general pathology instructors.

I'm going to be interviewed for UPCM. I should be really happy but I'm not. I guess the novelty of getting into med school is gone. I really should appreciate these things as I know a bunch of people who are depressed since they didn't make it to the interview list.

Funny thing though, my interview is scheduled on deployment day. No way am I going to miss deployment day so I tried to get my interview date moved. I hope I get my desired date. I really do not want to commute alone to Batangas. That'd be both depressing and scary.

On some other news, the dance class I planned to attend tomorrow got canceled. &@#1! There is still next Saturday though.

I need to attend class before community begins.

Have I mentioned how illogical the problem tree used by UPM in San Juan, Batangas? Floating arrows, missing relationships, and worse, weird (illogical) relationships. *sigh* And it's supposed to be created by really experienced UPM faculty.

It's so hard to stalk someone if that person doesn't have net footprints.

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