Abdulla et al. "Learning Styles in First Year Students in the University of the Philippines College of Medicine." Acta Medica Philippina
"This study determine the learning styles of first year Medical Students in the University of the Philippines College of Medicine (UPCM) through an inventory derived from Entwitles' Inventory Approach to learning. Students scores on the scales were correlated with general weighted average as a measure of academic performance. Two of the eight scales of the inventory "reproducing" and "prediction for success were significantly related to academic perfomance."
Reproduction - rote memorization
Prediction for success - highly organized study methods with versatile approach; lack of doubt or fear of failure
The authors attribute the results with the selection of med students. They seem to hope that students change learning styles as they go through med school. I think that students use reproduction because it is the only way to survive a very competetive environment where there is little time to study. The paper is old though so I hope the CM environment is more conducive for the more preferred styles of deeper learning (see the paper).
If they did this in CPH, they'll probably see similar results. I think it's a fault in the CPH method. Though the fourth year is better compared to the third year, memorization will still play a big part in order to pass subjects. It's not too bad for some subjects such as Med Micro but promoting memorization tests for Clinical Chemistry and Nutrition is really bad. And what is worse is that being a PH specialist demands that a person be more than a walking textbook. Critical thinking, problem-solving and being able to see the bigger picture and connect the dots (in short integrate stuff) are more important. On the other hand, a person should know much about a subject (memorize!) before doing this lest he/she makes wrong conclusions or repeat other people's mistakes.
Good accidents...