Wednesday, May 07, 2008

F*ck! My life became more interesting all right. I got a boil in the butt area; right near the margin of the butt and the thigh. I have a hard time finding the most a comfortable sitting position. What sucked more is that I had to go to school(not due to academics) and that entailed commuting and SITTING in jeepneys. It is really painful. I'm afraid of the Filipino method of treating it which involves very hot and hopefully sterile glass bottles and gumamela buds but to be released from the pain I just might undergo it. Then again some boils drain spontaneously. Hopefully, mine is just like those.

Those new posters in the LRT stations of pGMA are so funny. Economic and social stability, my painful ass! And the composition of the pieces is so laughable. pGMA walking with wind blowing through her jacket(or is it a bolero?) and the serious face like whatever pose she makes will make the statement in her poster true, much less, believable.

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