I was bored so I made these three poems. Fine! They’re crap but at least I’m trying. Practice makes perfect or at most a better product so here goes (I feel I’m going to regret this post)…
Pigs fly and mushrooms talk
And all I can do is gawk
I hear a sound
But cannot believe
This thing I have perceived
I pinch myself to test if true
Did I hear you say
I love you?
The sky is weeping
Can you not hear?
Do I need to pinch your ear?
The stars are falling
Can you not see?
Do I need to study ophthalmology?
The roses are here
Can you not smell?
Do I need to ring the bell?
The pig is cooked
Can you not taste?
Do I need to add mayonnaise?
I love you
You feel it too!
Why Thank You!
Ode to the letter Z
Night has come yet I cannot find
The last letter was left behind
It makes me worry, I can’t sleep
Do I dare weep?
Some try to comfort me
but they do not see
Y A W and N's are not of use
Z's are what I need the most.
What do you think? Yeah it rhymes. I do not want to do in free form yet, I am not good(see 3 poems above), YET.