When did it start?
I think the summer of my second year in college. I guess UP does make people like me. Well, sucks for those who didn't attend UP.
What enabled it?
One of the most important is the Philo 1 class. Being exposed to Kant, Existentialism and Ethics was key to forming the foundations of my "philosophy" in life.
The second is exposure to Scienceblogs which is a haven of my kin. They gave me the weapons and arguments I need and reinforced my behavior.
The last would be this personal experience which has started me doubting on the Bible and Christianity. The other religions were easier because I don't really subscribe to them.
Realizing how hollow and twisted the arguments of Filipino Catholics and Evangelists are may have helped also. Many prominent religious people are also bigots and sexists (add that to the Filipino tendency towards racist behavior). I blame this on exposure to night-time radio shows.
How did it happen?
I started as a devout Catholic doing all those rituals and rosaries and stuff all except reading the Bible daily. Then I came to a state where I change from hardcore believer to apologetic to non-believer. I'd go through phases. Soon enough I leaned towards being an apologetic and finally decided that fundamentalism is incorrect. This is around the time I started to adopt a form of Kantian ethics. Then, I just snapped out of it and realized that believing is crazy and impractical. This is the result of daily jeepney rides and surfing the intertubes. Sorry if that sounded like a conversion story but it kind of is.
Are you happy?
Yes, for the most parts. I saw this quote by Rossetti today on my google page: "The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank." And you can also take situations wherein you feel dispair and hate for mankind in general. In times when I start thinking why am I not being selfish like so many people, the only thing I can talk to is myself and not some imaginary being. I can't comfort myself with the fact that they'll go to hell and I'll go to heaven. Nope, none of that BS for me. I guess that state has helped me start on the road to being more vocal and active. If I want to experience heaven, then I have to work for it. If I want justice, I have to bring it about. Don't want and need to wait for everyone to die. This is the only life I'll probably have.
You smell Kant? I do too! Gosh that duty scent is strong.
And I try to avoid talks about religion with my friends, many of whom are religious people. Fortunately they are very tolerant and seem to accept me, at least they're not trying to convert me or anything. I'm a discreet nonbeliever (passive and non-militant most of the times) though and I haven't "come out" to my other friends in other social circles so I frequently receive these text messages with Bible quotes and religious anecdotes. My policy is ignore it if it is harmless.
Aren't you afraid of going to hell?
First, there is no hell. Second, a jealous God is not logically consistent with a loving God. Its jealousy stemming from my neglect to worship it. So, even if there is a God
I'd probably not go to Hell. Third, I'm trying to live a very moral life and trying my best to ensure many of my actions will lead to the common good and my fellows. So far, I haven't killed, raped, humiliated, backstabbed, misled, stole from, or tortured anybody so I think I'm good. I haven't even tried convincing people to stop following their religion. All my "sins" would be sins related to not following random rituals people have imposed on religion. Then again, I'm probably a very sinful viewed from a Jewish or Islamic or Bathala-ist perspective, right?