Christmas break has started...
in my mind at least. I still have 5 days with classes and two weeks for data collection but I have no more exams so I can let my mind wander and think about non-academic stuff.
I saw 100 and Dose a while ago. Good-bye 300 bucks! 100 is really good, Dose nyeee... whatever.
I found myself watching Dose with a lot of homosexual men. Why? I could think of a number of reasons, some not quite moral(no, it's not the homosexuality. oh please!). Anyway, I was ID'd by the security guard/ticket person(I had no problem buying the ticket). I was hoping for it. I want to affirm that I still look below 18. *evil laugh*
I hope Imburnal will be screened at a more accessible time slot next week(the poster said the screening of the Cinema One Originals will be up to the 16th).
I'm excited to take pictures of the Lantern Parade in Diliman. I just don't know if my lens can handle the low light conditions. I fear that I must choose between blurry-hippy pictures and too dark pictures. Hopefully I won't be forced to use ISO 1600 since the pictures turn out so noisy.
One of our classrooms caught fire last Friday(no pictures, wasn't there when the fire happened). At least the neighboring auditorium wasn't affected and no one was hurt. It's still sad though.
I need to talk to one of my former professors(though he's really not a proffesor yet) for my med school application. And to my undergraduate advisor. Yes, application. Only one. Oo na! Mayabang na ako!